" subheadline="<span class="btArticleDate">8 January 2015</span><span class="btArticleAuthor"><a href="https://www.deepsessionsrecordings.com/author/admin/" class="btArticleAuthorURL">by Athan</a></span><a href="https://www.deepsessionsrecordings.com/2015/01/08/humar-i-want-be-own-ep/#comments" class="btArticleComments">0</a>" font="" font_weight="" font_size="" color_scheme="" color="" align="" url="" target="_self" html_tag="h1" size="large" dash="" el_id="" el_class="" el_style="" supertitle_position="outside" ignore_fe_editor="true"]

The duo electronic musicians from southern RussiaHumar project was created in the south of Russia, in 2010.

it was composed of two very different but with a common purpose, a participant.During the four years of live performances at various venues Russian club, the project engage the various instrumentalists and vocalists.As well, the project was organized a large number of author events.

Supported By : Daniel Gomez, Deepsense, Dj niki belucci, Fernando Ferreyra, George Marvel, Magnetic Brothers, Zisis D, kiss fm ua, matthias leisegang and more..

Artist: Humar
Title: I Want Be Own Ep
Cut #: DSD106
Label: Deepsessions Digital
Released Date: 08/01/2015
Tracks: I want Be Own • Last Day

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