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" subheadline="<span class="btArticleDate">5 January 2022</span><span class="btArticleAuthor"><a href="" class="btArticleAuthorURL">by Athan</a></span>" font="" font_weight="" font_size="" color_scheme="" color="" align="" url="" target="_self" html_tag="h2" size="normal" dash="bottom" el_id="" el_class="" el_style="" supertitle_position="outside" ignore_fe_editor="true"]
Levent Er, born in Istanbul, has been working in the music industry for many years. #dsr338 #LeventEr #FlightInformation #progressive_house #deepsessions_recordings #2022 Many foreigners in many scenes where he performed at home and global and had the opportunity to work with local and global artists. On radios around the worldIn addition to the broadcast sets, he...

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