" subheadline="<span class="btArticleDate">25 January 2022</span><span class="btArticleAuthor"><a href="https://www.deepsessionsrecordings.com/author/admin/" class="btArticleAuthorURL">by Athan</a></span>" font="" font_weight="" font_size="" color_scheme="" color="" align="" url="https://www.deepsessionsrecordings.com/2022/01/25/drotec-daydreams/" target="_self" html_tag="h2" size="normal" dash="bottom" el_id="" el_class="" el_style="" supertitle_position="outside" ignore_fe_editor="true"]
Taking inspiration from many genres such as tech house, techno as well as nu disco, deep house and melodic house, Drotec’s music ranges from dark and down tempo all the way to upbeat energetic tracks. #dsd165 #Drotec #Daydreams #Deep_House #Deepsessions_Digital #2022 Not afraid to experiment with music. Taking in the moment, that’s what inspires him...